Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ferguson... and why things are a mess imo.

So, Officer Wilson has been determined to not have taken criminal action by Grand Jury. Of course this is used as a reason for criminals to do criminal things, looting, destruction of property, vandalism, arson, and more. And just to make things more interesting we have Brown's mother's husband on video helping stir up crowds. Welcome to the wonderful world of playing the victim, and it's results.

Arguments are being made that with only THREE Black people on the jury it wasn't impartial. Lets be honest here, there is no such thing as in impartial jury. It wouldn't have mattered if there were NINE Black people on the jury, someone would have made the case it was imbalanced and not impartial. A Grand Jury doesn't need all twelve to reach a verdict, only a simple majority, so seven of the twelve. Obviously at least seven, after hearing weeks of testimony, being shown evidence, and having a fair amount of time to debate, determined that Officer Wilson was justified in the use of deadly force.

Now, I will say that the waiting to release the verdict to the point in time it was released was a major miscalculation. The verdict should have been released at noon, not in the evening; criminals (looters, arsonists, etc.) dislike working in daylight, where they can be seen and identified more easily.

We now have Brown's mother and father (not her husband) declaring that they will seek federal charges against the acquitted Officer Wilson. Yet, at many points of the Grand Jury the more inflammatory testimony was proven false, conflicted with other testimony, or changed multiple times. This leads me to believe that the media helped fuel this outrage in Ferguson. As they brought out only the testimony that was aimed at inflaming racial tension. That shows one of the players in the 'Game' that race has become in America. Media.

When it comes to the 'Race Game', you see many of the same faces over and over. They have a vested interest in playing the victim card, stirring up violence, and keeping tempers frayed. These people push their 'race' to feel they deserve to be handed better everything, because it's all 'the white peoples fault'. How does being handed things make anyone better? Since when does not working to better yourself better yourself? Ever note that the ones pushing for the handouts for their 'race' tend to be the ones with degrees, and also seem to be politically aimed. A lot of these people run groups that have a lot of political clout, coincidence?

If you play at being the victim long enough, you start believing it. And over time it becomes a generational thing, and you begin to see declines in many areas from education to morality. People wonder why in some areas the smaller percentage race, which happens to have the victim mentality, shows lower school scores, graduation rates, and increased criminal activity. When you want handouts and freebies, why work for something when you can steal it?

The race card is old, and a lot of us groan when it's used. The victims are victims by choice now, and not by circumstance. If the 'minority' would get it's head out of it's ass, realize they are where they are because they won't work to fix it, then there could be positive change. Until then, it's just going to get older and older and less well received. 

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